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Acalah Privacy Policy

Updated on March 30th, 2023

You can view this information at any time online at

Our privacy practices are stated below, and if you have any questions you can contact us.

What Is Personal Data at Acalah?


At Acalah, we believe strongly in fundamental privacy rights — and that those fundamental rights should not differ depending on where you live in the world. That’s why we treat any data that relates to an identified or identifiable individual or that is linked or linkable to them by Acalah as “personal data,” no matter where the individual lives. This means that data that directly identifies you — such as your name — is personal data, and also data that does not directly identify you, but that can reasonably be used to identify you — such as the serial number of the products or services you have directly purchased from Acalah — is personal data. Aggregated data is considered non‑personal data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy covers how Acalah (know on all referred as “Acalah”) handles personal data whether you interact with us on our websites, through our apps (if any), or in person (including by phone).  Acalah’s Privacy Policy does not apply to how third parties define personal data or how they use it. We encourage you to read their privacy policies and know your privacy rights before interacting with them.

Your Privacy Rights at Acalah

At Acalah, we respect your ability to know, access, correct, transfer, restrict the processing of, and delete your personal data. We have provided these rights to our global customer base and if you choose to exercise these privacy rights, you have the right not to be treated in a discriminatory way nor to receive a lesser degree of service from Acalah. Where you are requested to consent to the processing of your personal data by Acalah, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

To help protect the security of your personal data, you must sign in to your account and your identity will be verified. If you want to obtain a copy of personal data that is not currently available, you can make a request by contacting us at There may be situations where we cannot grant your request — for example, if you ask us to delete your transaction data and Acalah is legally obligated to keep a record of that transaction to comply with law. We may also decline to grant a request where doing so would undermine our legitimate use of data for anti-fraud and security purposes, such as when you request deletion of an account that is being investigated for security concerns. Other reasons your privacy request may be denied are if it jeopardizes the privacy of others, is frivolous or vexatious, or would be extremely impractical.

Personal Data Acalah Collects from You

At Acalah, we believe that you can have great products and great privacy. This means that we strive to collect only the personal data that we need. Descriptions of how Acalah handles personal data for certain individual services are available at

When you register on our website, purchase, connect to our services, contact us (including by social media), participate in an online survey, or otherwise interact with Acalah, we may collect a variety of information, including:

  • Account Information. Your information related account details, including, but not limited to, email address, devices registered, account status, age, and gender

  • Contact Information. Data such as name, email address, physical address, phone number, or other contact information

  • Payment Information. Data about your billing address and method of payment, such as bank details, credit, debit, or other payment card information

  • Transaction Information. Data about purchases of Acalah products and services, including purchases on Acalah platforms

  • Fraud Prevention Information. Data used to help identify and prevent fraud

  • Location Information. Precise location for region-specific services, and coarse location

  • Health Information. Data relating to the health status of an individual, including data related to one’s physical or mental health or condition. 

  • Financial Information. Details including salary, income, and assets information when necessary

  • Government ID Data. In certain jurisdictions, we may ask for a government-issued ID in limited circumstances, including when setting up an account, or as required by law

  • Other Information You Provide to Us. Details such as the content of your communications with Acalah, including interactions with customer service and contacts through social media channels

You are not required to provide the personal data that we have requested. However, if you choose not to do so, in many cases we will not be able to provide you with our products or services or respond to requests you may have.

Personal Data Acalah Receives from Other Sources


Acalah may receive personal data about you from other individuals, from businesses or third parties, from our partners who work with us to provide our products and services and assist us in security and fraud prevention, and from other lawful sources.

  • Individuals. Acalah may collect data about you from other individuals — for example, if that individual has sent you a product or gift card.

  • Acalah Partners. We may also validate the information you provide — for example, when creating an account via our website, with a third party for security, and for fraud-prevention purposes.

For research and development purposes, we may use datasets such as those that contain images, voices, or other data that could be associated with an identifiable person. When acquiring such datasets, we do so in accordance with applicable law, including law in the jurisdiction in which the dataset is hosted. When using such datasets for research and development, we do not attempt to re-identify individuals who may appear therein.

Acalah’s Use of Personal Data


Acalah uses personal data to power our services, to process your transactions, to communicate with you, for security and fraud prevention, and to comply with law. We may also use personal data for other purposes with your consent.

Depending on the circumstance, Acalah may rely on your consent or the fact that the processing is necessary to fulfill a contract with you, protect your vital interests or those of other persons, or to comply with law. We may also process your personal data where we believe it is in our or others’ legitimate interests, taking into consideration your interests, rights, and expectations.

  • For Our Services. Acalah collects personal data necessary to power our services, which may include personal data collected to improve our offerings, for internal purposes such as auditing or data analysis, or for troubleshooting. 

  • Process Your Transactions. To process transactions, Acalah must collect data such as your name, purchase, and payment information.

  • Communicate with You. To respond to communications, reach out to you about your transactions or account, market our products and services, provide other relevant information, or request information or feedback. From time to time, we may use your personal data to send important notices, such as communications about purchases and changes to our terms, conditions, and policies. Because this information is important to your interaction with Acalah, you may not opt out of receiving these important notices.

  • Security and Fraud Prevention. To protect individuals, employees, and Acalah and for loss prevention and to prevent fraud, including to protect individuals, employees, and Acalah for the benefit of all our users, and prescreening or scanning uploaded content for potentially illegal content.

  • Comply with Law. To comply with applicable law — for example, to satisfy tax or reporting obligations, or to comply with a lawful governmental request.

Acalah does not use algorithms or profiling to make any decision that would significantly affect you without the opportunity for human review. 

Acalah retains personal data only for so long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, including as described in this Privacy Policy, or as required by law. When assessing retention periods, we first carefully examine whether it is necessary to retain the personal data collected and, if retention is required, work to retain the personal data for the shortest possible period permissible under law.

Acalah’s Sharing of Personal Data


Acalah may share personal data with Acalah-affiliated companies, service providers who act on our behalf, our partners, medical research facilities, medical institutions cell processing centers, clinics, and publishers, or others at your direction. Acalah does not share personal data with third parties for their own marketing purposes. Acalah does not sell your personal data.

Protection of Personal Data at Acalah


At Acalah, we believe that great privacy rests on great security. We use administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect your personal data, taking into account the nature of the personal data and the processing, and the threats posed. We are constantly working to improve on these safeguards to help keep your personal data secure.



Our web sites and apps are not directed to children. Acalah do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children without permission from a parent or guardian, unless permitted by applicable law.


You must be at least sixteen years old to provide us with your personal information and eighteen years old to engage in transactions on our store or websites, or apps. By engaging in transactions with us, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old and are fully able to enter into and be legally bound  by such transactions.

If we are notified (by contacting us) or learn that a minor has submitted personal data to us through our media or otherwise, we will delete such personal information. 

Changes to This Policy


Our Policy may change from time to time to reflect changes in our processing of your personal information. We will notify you of any material changes as required by law. We will post an updated copy on the Site.

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